First Week of School

Whoever said running a marathon is hard, clearly never experienced the first week of school as a first year teacher split between two schools. This whole week was essentially five first days of school. Everyday I saw students that were brand new to me and I was brand new to them. I experienced students who were thrilled to have a new perspective and others that couldn't understand why I was not their old teacher. I had classes that did everything I asked, the first time I asked. And I had classes that made me want to pull all of my hair out.

Any future teachers reading this, please know that from my experience and speaking with other teachers, the very first class on that first day of school is probably going to be your worst. I'm not saying necessarily behavior wise, but you are going to miss talking about procedures even if you rehearsed your lesson plan for days. You are going to miss classroom management opportunities and you are not going to pace your lesson effectively. Well...maybe you will. But I definitely didn't. So I want to say thank you and I'm sorry to my very first class on Monday morning. Thank you for being the class that I got to begin my teaching career with and thank you for being my guinea pigs of sorts. Thank you for allowing me to make mistakes. And I apologize for all the mistakes I made. I apologize that I did not go over all the procedures and classroom rules--I really meant to. I apologize that you did not get as good of teaching as my Friday classes did. I promise next Monday will be better.

