Private Lesson Schedule

Happy Fri-YAY! ... I mean Friday!

Here's another post with a question or two for you more experienced music teachers. Just in this first week of summer vacation, I have had a bunch of time to reflect on my teaching this year and last year. And man do I feel like I could write a book just of questions I still have.

On top of the crazy schedule I lead at school, I have begun the process of building a "studio" of private lessons. And I really haven't had an issue in finding clients as I think this is pretty untouched territory in my school zones. I don't hear of any of the other music teachers offering private lessons and we don't have any college campuses with music majors close by. So this school year I taught a studio of 6 students spanning the ages of 5th grade to adult in voice and piano and had many others requesting lessons. And those 6 half hour lessons were spread out over three days. And I probably could have scheduled lessons the other two days if I hadn't made a point to leave those free. Not that I got to go home. Since I decided why have a free afternoon...instead schedule after school band practice two hours every Thursday and Friday.

Not complaining. Because boy did it help when it came time for our spring concert. And since I'm split between schools, I love spending any extra time I can get with my band kids.

But here's question number 1 and 2:

How many days do you set aside to teach private lessons? I'd like to have at least one afternoon per week next year to myself. And I foresee continuing after school band.

Where do you hold private lessons? One of the reasons they had to be split between days is because of location. I'm not allowed to teach at the school because I'm receiving payment for the lessons and I currently share a small apartment with two other music teachers about 20 minutes away from the majority of my students and I didn't want to ask that of my roommates or of my clients. But that meant one day I met a student in Florence, one day I traveled to a church in Darlington then to a home in Hartsville, and the other day I was at a home in Darlington. I know the concerns people have about teaching at students' homes, but I know the parents really well and I request that they be present at all times during lessons. So my concern isn't being at homes. But just the travel time.

If I don't have a central location for lessons there is no way I could do them back to back in one day because of travel time. What would be the best option: the church I teach a lesson at currently has offered the choir hall (somewhat central to students' homes), do I rent a studio space ($$$), or teach from home (we are looking at moving to a larger home that would have a separate living room I could teach in)?

I'm sure I have tons of other questions about private lessons, but that's a lot to throw out at once.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!


  1. 1. I teach everyday. Students can sign up for lesson appointments on appointlet. If I'm available, they can sign up for a lesson. Weekends are generally open whenever. Weekdays is anytime after 4PM. When I have conflicts, I cancel those weeks. I'm not too crazy about seeing my private students every week since private lessons isn't my main source of income.

    2. This was my last year of teaching lessons at students homes. I haven't been getting enough sleep and I'm having trouble staying awake while driving to people's homes. I currently only teach students who come to my house.

    Some general notes:
    - Don't work for a music studio. They require that you make up missed lessons. As a public school teacher, you're too busy for this. Unless the owner of the studio is okay with you skipping weeks, I would suggest not to pick up a music studio gig. Being your own boss is the best way to go.
    2. Moving lessons to my house was the best decision I've made. All my materials are here and I'm able to spend a lot less time driving. Yes, I lost a few students... but I can always get more who are willing to drive to my house. Just make sure that you schedule in some bathroom breaks.


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